In every age and time, the Divine Super Power takes human form and lives with the common man to share joys and sufferings. This Divine is a Realised Soul who can guide, direct, inspire and lead. Such a Divinity has a mission-TO MAKE ONE AND ALL WALK THE PATH OF SPIRITUALITY, TO GIVE LIGHT TO THE GROPING, TO OFFER SOLACE TO THOSE SUFFERING AND TO ALLEVIATE MISERIES ALL AROUND.
Such an Incandescent Divine Power is Sri Tara Ma, who is the embodiment of Love, Compassion and Knowledge.
Divine Mother Sri Tara Ma has manifested in this world to imbue one and all with Supreme Devotion, Peace and Joy and to make one realise the Truth behind the existence of the whole universe. She has said, ???Pure Love always unites with the source of Pure Love i.e., God.??? Sri Tara Ma has come to instil Universal Love in the world.
Sri Tara Ma is not a Goddess who sits in splendid isolation from all. She mingles among Her children (the devotees) as a friend, philosopher and guide. Anyone can approach Sri Tara Ma and confide in Her. Sri Tara Ma is Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Her Divine Grace infuses strength and courage and gives a lasting impetus for walking on the spiritual path.
For more information visit www.sritaramamission.org
Sri Tara Ma has always believed that children, if moulded correctly along lofty ideals, will become the torchbearers for the future generations into the realms of ultimate peace, unity and joy. They will show unto the masses the beacon to the Ultimate Reality and themselves shine as stalwarts in their respective walks of life or fields. They will promote everything good and bring happiness and peace to all mankind, creatures and other elements of nature.
The Sages of yore in ancient India were shining stars in the firmament of Truth, Peace and Joy and bore no allegiance to any particular religion or body of rituals. They believed in One Reality and One Existence and aligned their thoughts, words and actions to this overbearing, Ultimate Truth. Hence, they were successful in maintaining the social order and fabric of a society that was fairly distinct in various aspects. This integration paved the way to harmonious living and kept the forces of discrimination and violence at bay.
People all over the world, under various rulers, lived happily and congenially. These very sages were the teachers of that generation, that era. They were revered as they were the heart and soul of an entire generation of humans. They structured education and knowledge in such a fashion that children who adopted them became valiant, compassionate, caring, truthful, honest, loyal, patriotic and righteous. Those were the days of the ancient Indian Gurukulas.
If those times are to be recreated in the present day world then those values will have to be reintroduced into the social framework for an extended period of time. This is possible only if in the contemporary times Gurukulas come into being and resort to dissemination of knowledge that is based on the fabric of Truth and Righteousness and is not indoctrinated in any sense of the word. Hence, Divine Mother Sri Tara Ma started the Sri Ma Group of Institutions to impart modern education rooted in the ancient Indian moral, cultural and spiritual values.
Over the years, the scope of growth and development within this system has been extended beyond just academic excellence to encompass various other human endeavours. Thus bringing sports, fitness, music, dance, fine arts etc. under the ambit of learning.
March 2017 CBSE students for 100% Results.